A) Master copy of Tender documents : - Tenderers are free to download tenderdocuments at their own risk and cost and use the same as Tender Document for submitting their offer. Tenderers are advised in their own interest to purchase Tender documents to appreciate full scope of work , specification and drawing referred therein before submitting their offer. Later on, any omission or lack of clarity in the downloaded copy will not be taken as reason for submission of incomplete offer. Master copy of the Tender document will be available in the office. The agreement which will be prepared on awarding of work will be based on the master copy available in the office as notified in the Tender notice and not based on the Tender documents submitted by the tenderers. In case of any discrepancy between the Tender document downloaded from the website and the master copy, the later shall prevail and will be binding on the tenderers. No claim, whatsoever, on this account will be entertained.
B) Cost of Tender document:- Tender documents are available on CLW Website for Tenders - www.clwtenders.com / www.clwtenders.gov.in and the same can be downloaded and used as Tender document for submitting the offer. This facility is available free of cost at present. However, the cost of Tender documents, indicated in the notice in the relevant para, will have to be deposited along with the tender as per indication in the tender document. This should be paid separately and not included in the Earnest Money. Tenders not accompanied with the cost of Tender Document as detailed above, will be summarily rejected.
C) Railway administration will not be responsible for any delay / difficulty / inaccessibility of the downloading facility, for any reason whatsoever
click here for download
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